Helping pastors and their leadership teams
thrive in a changing, complex world

Helping Your Church Grow

There are a number of ways we can be of service to you……

  1. Observe and report back as an outsider “looking in”to ways your church might be able to lift its ministry potential. Wanaka Presbyterian is a church that asked for help in this area. They invited us to visit everything that happened in their amazing church over a week (as well as offer training in outreach) and then report back to its leadership. Another option might be an invitation to assess like a “mystery worshipper” visiting as an unknown visitor. This might be a great way to challenge the cliques to consider life through the eyes of a visitor. See for example
  2. There may be one area of church life that is of concern to you as the leader. We would then explore ways to address the issue – again using the outsider-looking in perspective.
  3. Our signature work is our church revitalisation journeys. We have so far worked with the leadership of Foxton Salvation Army, Waikanae Baptist, Abundant Life Centre (Wellington), Hope Vineyard (Palmerston North), Hills Community Church ( Mapua) and have learned to adapt to the particular culture of each church.

Church Revitalisation Journey – ( formerly Church Mobilisation Journey’s)

We help you create a mission plan that is able to take an in-depth look at what might be possible as a congregation. It will if seriously implemented create momentum and clarity of vision in a congregation. It involves a serious, prayerful engagement in exploring/ revisiting the plan the Lord has for you and your community.

The Steps In Creating A Mission Plan For Your Church

We come and listen to discover where the church is at and where it would like to be. The journey is best done with existing leaders and emerging leaders (who often have the drive to implement new things). Minimum of six – maximum of fifteen as a guideline.

We go on a six-week journey ( normally one evening = 2 hours minimum) or Saturday morning as we:

  • Create a starting point to clarify where the church has found itself today. We look at the “God dreams” in the hearts of the leaders and the challenges and opportunities that face the church.
  • Clarify the values and unique mission call on your church, we then begin to create a profile of what’s unique about your church.
  • We look at the activities that exist in your church asking the question what is missing? , what needs to improve in some way, and what has gone past its use-by date? We start to look at what the future might look like if we live out our dreams and seize the opportunities before us.
  • Together we prayerfully discern a process. A draft plan for discussion is created. The leadership team of your church then discerns any tweaks or adjustments needed before our next meeting. We create a plan that sits well for everyone in leadership which always has an element of faith in it.
  • We launch the plan with dates, people in charge, and resources and put in place regular reviews of our progress. The senior pastor is then responsible for casting the new mission vision regularly, to make sure those entrusted with implementing the plan have the resources they need, and to hold entrusted leaders accountable with coaching and encouragement.


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