Helping pastors and their leadership teams
thrive in a changing, complex world
A Pentecostal pastor told me of a conversation he’d had with his men’s group. He asked the 40 men present, how many felt confident about leading someone to Christ. The answer was none. He said “ I realised I had a problem but not only me, I think most NZ pastors feel they are doing a poor job on outreach and discipleship. Then, as I was going through your website at North-South I saw you had the help I needed.”
[He also pointed out that our old web site made it hard for him to find what he was looking for hence the new redesign. Actually, he redesigned it for us!]
Theres the thing. In your church are people with the gift of evangelism sitting untrained. They are your growth engine people who are always reaching out to people who come across their path. There are also those with the gift of pastor or teaching etc who need encouragement/ training to learn to move conversations to helping people find a relationship with Jesus Christ.
I came across a missions statistic. The average Christian will hear 4,000 sermons, sung 20,000 different worship songs and will have bought 5 people to Christ. In America ( and I imagine the NZ Church) the average Christian has bought no one to know Jesus.
We at North-South are having a focus this year on our “Sharing your faith with confidence” course as a simple tool that will create momentum and bring new life to encourage the church. Seeing people get baptised after journeying with them for a season has been one of the high points of my ministry. I see no reason given the amount of brokenness I see about me here in Aotearoa that this should not be a regular feature of any church.
Let me know if we can be of service to your church?
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